Monday, August 1, 2011

I've been thinking about family a lot for the past few days. Maybe this is because my kids are both away and I have extra time. Or maybe it's because my kids are getting older and my time of 'being their universe' is slowly coming to an end. Who knows, maybe it's hormonal ;). Whatever the case I find it interesting and comforting to know that I am NOT the only one, male or female, who feels this way.
While out for dinner with friends the other night the subject of me being a bit sad about the changes and directions that certain family relationships have undergone. I should not be surprised by this change-----I happen to come from a particularly dysfunctional background (probably why I am venting to strangers).
Nevertheless, I was surprised to hear that other people who may or may not have messed up or 'latch-key' childhoods were finally letting go of the pretense that they did. They too had family members that were estranged.
I have learned that FRIENDS ARE THE FAMILY YOU CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF. I have a sister-in-law who is like my little sister. This didn't happen overnight but it happened. I have an EX sister-in-law who I only speak to about once every 6 months, but our children are related and share a bloodline and we are 2 intelligent women who wish each other well . I have wonderful fabulous friends who I wouldn't trade for the world! These are my family. I chose them. I 'picked them for my team'.
Everyone should feel like they are on a winning team.

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