Monday, August 8, 2011

Sadness and Depression 2 separate things

I had a conversation today with someone who stated that she thought she might be depressed, but felt guilty because she has 'no reason' to be. She lives in a nice home, has no financial worries, she's healthy and her children are healthy. Yet, she has many days when she does not feel like getting out of bed, or doing anything and was confused.
I explained, there is a difference between feeling sad, and being depressed.  She might not have a reason to 'be sad', but 'depression' is a chemical imbalance, and cannot always be helped, or recognized, and very often runs in families.
If you find that you are no longer interested in your normal activities, or don't want to wake up, or just want to sleep all day---and don't feel like there is a specific "reason" to be this way, --perhaps you should go and speak with someone and give your self a break.  Asking for help is not a sign of weakness--it is just the opposite.

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