Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Item for CCFA People!!!!

Alright, so here is the truth, when I first started out to write this blog, my intention was to not only be witty and sarcastic (my general outlook I guess), but to also be helpful---especially to those who suffer from Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. I am not a Dr., but I have suffered for most of my adult life--most of my teens too. I have been on more medications than I can count, EXCEPT for Remicade, Humira,  and Cimzia, and the newest Mesalamines.
  11 years ago, when I was 34, my colon was completely removed. Yup, the whole thing. I was "lucky" (I say that lightly), because I didn't need an "ostomy bag". My whole procedure was done in one step and I was given a J-Pouch.  I have since had 8-9 follow up surgeries, mostly dealing with scar tissue and blockages, but for the most part I've slowly gotten healthier.
  I still, however, deal with occasional "bathroom issues".  I also have a daughter with Ulcerative Colitis and my mom has Crohn's.  Imagine how happy I was today to come across a product while standing at Greenvale Pharmacy, called "Poopsie Daisy". This product is meant to be sprayed into the toilet PRIOR to having a bowel movement to dispel the smell. (if you are blushing, this blog is not for you--I've had this disease and my family has had this disease forever. Everyone on the North shore of Long Island calls me when their kids have poop and/or tummy trouble--that's just the way it is).
  Anyway--what a great product to carry with you, or put in your guest bathrooms, or office bathrooms. THE WILD TULIP in Roslyn used to carry a similar item called POOPOURIE, But once they closed so did access to this product.  That's why I'm so excited by this.
  People who do not have this disease may not be aware how often people with IBD (IRRITABLE BOWEL DISEASE) absolutely DREAD having to go to the bathroom in a public place or, Gd forbid, in someones house. This, hopefully, will help!

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